Monday 18 February 2013

So far this Blursday

Last night we three had squash french fries for dinner. Yummy.

I peel and cut the squash, rub the slices with a bit of flax and grapeseed oils, and roast them at 375. They get firm enough on the outside that it is not complete mush as Bea consumes them. I also cute small, pea-sized pieces to try to get Bea working on her pincer grip. She doesn't quite have it yet. When she masters it, it will be so much easier to let her feed herself! Right now she milks most of her food in her hand, with very little getting to the mouth.


Bea loves guacamole and azheefa. Those with nachos was the first part of my lunch, before trying to nurse her to sleep. Second part of my lunch is so far consisting of an apple with peanut butter and applesauce. Varied it is not. Bea has already scarfed down and or dropped another squash fry. Now she is working on some apple.


There's an interesting discussion going on over at Minimalist Mom regarding leaving the career track to stay at home with the kiddos. I think it also encompasses alternative careers.  For instance, I don't plan on re-entering the rat race - I have other plans with an entrepreneurial bent!


Xinnian Kuai Le! Happy Year of the rabbit.

And that's me, I am a rabbit. It's my year?

It's funny that Bea is a tiger (2010), I am a rabbit (75) and Triple S is a dragon (76). All not supposed to get along. No wonder it's so fiery in this household!

Our playdate canceled for today, so we are hibernating for another day! I've got the rest of the living and dining room cleaned (I just need to vacuum and sweep again, since it's been 24 hrs - darn dog). This is maybe the third time I have dusted in here in a year (one of them before Bea was born). And to think, I used to dust all my nicknacks and photos EVERY WEEK! But I feel good getting it a little clean for the new year.


Yesterday Bea discovered her own poo. I am actually surprised it took her this long. We have been doing a lazy form of elimination communication. Mostly the communication part doesn't really work for us. But, she usually will poo on the potty.  Since she has been eating more solids, they have firmed up a bit. So, she started in her diaper, and I got her to the potty. I ran off to the bathroom to wash out the diaper. Well, since she has been standing up, she has started standing up from the potty. I got back into the nursery in time to see some poo being milked in her hand! I told Triple S last night and he was like "Ew, don't tell me these things". But I thought it was kind of funny. And I *think* I caught her in time... Then we all needed wardrobe changes because I picked her up so quickly that she got me too. Oh, Bea.

Blackmail story for later in life??

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