Thursday, 30 May 2013


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The C&H is great for me. I use it in my house. It's beautyful. My friend's Cameron Roberts. He lives in Carrollton. He interests C&H too. He asks for info. C&H. I talk him to read details C&H at Amazon is good price for me. I talk about Black Friday Sale Thermoplastic Coated Outdoor Receptacles - Blue (not only 2012) on some website has lowest price. But I recommend you buy at Because It't save your's credit card. My father borrow C&H from me. They like C&H too. And they ask about value of C&H? I suggest to do it on picture below.

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Thermoplastic Coated Outdoor Receptacles - Blue. Reviewed by Isaiah X. Rating: 4.5

Sunday, 26 May 2013


We watched (most of) Juno last night. It just happened to come up in the queue on Mother's Day weekend. I definitely could not have watched this movie before Bea was here (esp not when I was pregnant with her!).

I told Triple S this morning that it had me thinking about trying for another. Boy, did that guy have a beam on his face. I haven't been to keen on the idea of another pregnancy, birth, postpartum deal. I am happy now with Bea and am not sure if rocking the boat is a good idea.

Well, we still have to finish the movie... here's hoping the ending quells these new ideas!

Friday, 24 May 2013

Nursing marathon - every hour last evening - she looks bigger this morning!

We celebrated b's manyue yesterday - her completion of her 1st 30 days. Chinese tr

Monday, 20 May 2013

Beatriz esta aqui!

I am so happy and relieved to tell you that Serenity's little sister is here safe and sound. A little jaundiced, so the doc had us supplementing with formula, which was really stressful and making me a crazy postpartum mom.

we were having difficulty with latching on, but apparently that was because I didn't get little Bea's memo that she was not planning on breastfeeding until March 22, as she finally did it at 12 this morning. I have not slept a wink since then (or much before that) but everything feels ok now that we got that working. I felt like everything was coming down around me before then and that she was going to die because we were screwing up the feeding and she was jaundiced and spiraling so forth and so on.

So, now I am much relieved and I hope today will go easier. I finally figured out that Triple S and I need to ask for help, so I have sent out a local request. Duh, it sounds so easy and everyone tells you to ask for anything they can do , but we are self-reliant, perhaps to a fault, and I really have never had to ask for help before. Hope it helps.

So anyway, with the BF hopefully continuing to go ok and some help on the way - I should be able to freakin get a picture up.

And I want to clearly say 'thank you' to all of you here in the internets for helping get my darling, precious daughter here alive, kicking, crying, and warm. "She's warm" was the first thing I said when they laid her on my chest at birth. I could not have done it without knowing you all, having our community of support, and knowing you were there.

Much love,

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Accessory Export

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10 Pack of Universal Generation X Cell Phone Antenna Booster Signal Enhancers. Reviewed by Stella A. Rating: 5.0

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Right Where I Am 2012: 4 years, 3 months, 18 days

That's 1569 days. Not that I counted each day. I used an internet site to calculate it for me. And that is a change, because last year I figured it out by hand and with a calender. 

And that's how the grief is now. Not ritualistic, not pervasive, not to be done in a proper pomp and circumstance kind of way.

The shock is over. The active, constant, crazy grief is over.

It's a settled reality, sunk into and through the core of my being. A part of me, but it does not define me. Can I say that? I think it's true. It doesn't exactly define the current me much more than other things in my past - except that it is from the more recent past.

In some ways, Serenity's death and my grief serve as a compass now. I check myself, 'am I living in a way that honors my first daughter, not taking the time with her little sister for granted?'

The ache is mostly gone. The muscle memory of holding her is barely a faint outline. Her face is indistinct. Now these memories are part of the longing too. I long for her face to be clear to me, but without the intense grief. I suppose I can't have one without the other.

One thing that hasn't changed, I still can't spell grief. I have to correct it almost ever time I type it.

This move makes it seem like I have changed lives. I've also changed how I spend my online time. The blogs that I couldn't once live without reading are now mixed in with posts about making sauerkraut and blogs outlining how to make toothpaste from coconut oil and blogs about how not to yell at your children. And my own blog collects dust. Not that I have really found other ways to express myself, but that I just am not expressing myself.

And what I am working through has changed. Now it is all strife about raising a toddler and finding my happiness and minimizing and simplifying.

But I doubt I can ever complete a 100 thing challenge, when I hold on to pictures of hands and feet and clips of hair and a hat worn for a scant few hours.

And I find it hard to decide on, focus on and move towards something that will 'make' me happy in life. Because I just don't know what that is. 

I don't feel guilty much anymore when I am happy, although many times we will be enjoying a day - at the garden or flying a kite in the park - and I will see a butterfly and think of Serenity or see two siblings and think of all that Beanie is missing.

I am in the limbo of grief. Grief doesn't dictate my life. If I need to get something done I can turn my distracted mind away from the darkness. But I find it hard to - I don't know - dream of my future maybe. I think this is one reason why I have come back to the blogs. To seek support and advice and work through Right Where I Am now.

I haven't re-read my post from last year yet. And here is the link back to the original inspiration. Thanks yet again, Angie, and much love to you.

Monday, 13 May 2013


Review of C&H

Do you want to read specificaion of C&H ? I reviewed Thermoplastic Coated Outdoor Receptacles - Blue for you. If you find place to buy C&H. I suggest you see this review.

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The C&H is well for me. I utilize it in my restaurant. It's awesome. My friend's Joseph Kelly. He lives in Denver. He interests C&H too. He get a question for info. C&H. I say him to see customers review C&H at is good price for me. I talk about Black Friday Sale Thermoplastic Coated Outdoor Receptacles - Blue (not only 2012) on some website has lowest price. But I recommend you get at Because It't save your's credit card. My mother borrow C&H from me. They like C&H too. And they ask about value of C&H? I suggest to do it on imate below.

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Hello. I'm Piers Buckland. I live in Downingtown. I want to recommend Thermoplastic Coated Outdoor Receptacles - Blue for you. It's my best product in my home. I look for Thermoplastic Coated Outdoor Receptacles - Blue details from the website online. It's wonderful item for me. Now, I spend it anytime, Thermoplastic Coated Outdoor Receptacles - Blue work very well. I bought it on black friday price drop 2009, It's very cheap price and special offers too. Now, I see Thermoplastic Coated Outdoor Receptacles - Blue detail at and excellent for the price. I'll suggest it for you as a excellent product for me. I think you would like Thermoplastic Coated Outdoor Receptacles - Blue too.

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Thermoplastic Coated Outdoor Receptacles - Blue. Reviewed by Julia W. Rating: 4.6

Saturday, 11 May 2013

We survived March

Today is the first day that it's just been Bea and me since the beginning of March.

In two weeks, Bea took six flights. We went to CA to meet her great-grandmother, who doesn't speak English. We stayed at a hotel, but saw her for the better part of two days.

Then we accompanied Triple S on two second interviews. We will be moving in August.  I think the negotiations will be wrapped up this week, so it will be settled as to where we are moving (warm place, warm place...)

At the one interview, we were 'wined and dined' two nights in a row at 7 pm. Bea goes to bed at 6:30.... But she managed.

Numerous people commented on how 'good' she was on the plane and out at the restaurants. It makes me cringe. It's not like anyone did anything to 'make her good' and 'make her behave'. We just got lucky. And meltdowns were averted by nursing or distracting or hugging or just letting her fuss some time.

But I cringe at this labeling. Would she be 'bad' if she were crying. Yes, it is unpleasant, and I wouldn't want her to be crying for an entire 4 hour flight. Sure, it would be a bit nerve-wracking for me, esp with the added pressure of annoying people, but mostly because I wouldn't want her to be suffering for that time. If she is crying, there is SOMETHING wrong.

I have started reading some parenting blogs, none that I want to recommend to others yet, because some posts are god and some are off. Most of the blogs are too wordy (coming from me, the queen of brevity), but really, if your target audience is parents of young children...

But I am really into not labeling and not over praising. I have pretty much stopped using good job, because I was saying it all the time! Now I just smile at Bea, and I can see that she is happy when she accomplishes something. Like today, she spent a total of at least two hours putting balls into a tissue box and taking the back out.  And checking that there were in the box. And shaking the rattly balls. Do I really need to encourage her and tell her 'good job' everytime she takes the ball out? Nope.

And when she cooperates in getting dressed, I thank her, instead of praising her. I think thank you recognizes her effort and expresses the emotion I feel, rather than putting the emphasis on her 'performance'. I don't know, is it a subtle difference?

With this move coming up (and the craziness that will be the next four months) I am beginning to wonder what I will do when Bea goes to school. I don't know that I will want to do my freelance editing full time. I am thinking about a couple retail options, but that will depend on the market we move into. I thought about having a farm, but I think the commute will be too long for Triple S. But we will rent for a year so that we can choose a good house and neighborhood.

That's the update from our recently very busy life now turned to hopefully kinda boring.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

and her little sister

Perhaps this blog deserves a new name:
"Serenity Joy and her little sister"

"Serenity Joy and the attached little sister"

We won't say where that little sister is most often attached.

I got bit by the attachment parenting bug in a bad way. Not really understanding it much. It wasn't like a did any preparation for Beanie. Well, ok, no, it was like I did very little preparation, not wanting to jinx her safe arrival with presumption.  I read a Dr. Sears' book and the book on Elimination Communication. But I don't understand healthy attachment in my bones, in my inner being. It's not something I received or saw modeled. 

In the old town, I did here some of those 'wishy washy' moms. Sounded patient but looking worn out. And I tried to pick up on their vibe, eavesdrop on their calm, unrushed phrasings.

Here in the state that thinks it's its own country, I don't hear those examples. I feel like a pariah.  And when Beanie is overcome with emotion, and those big emotions are coming out as screams and kicking and flailing, a martyr.

I just want to yell back. I want to kick and flail. Instead, I sit with her (just out of legs' reach). Occasionally asking if she wants a hug, a cuddle, milk, if she wants me to leave. Nothing to do but let these emotions wash over and out of her.

Beanie never took to a lovey. She is not attached to a blankie or a stuffed animal or a paci. She is attached to one thing, and that is me. I try not live in a place of fear, and I know she will move on when she is ready.

She refused the bottle; so when I say she was exclusively breastfed, she was exclusively breastfed. And she wasn't much into food for a long while, and I think still gets most of her nutrition from breastmilk. When she eats more food, she also tends to take more milk, so she is in a growth spurt and increases both, instead of increasing food and decreasing milk.

But I try not to live in that place of fear, fear that she'll never wean, because I know she will, in her time. Child-led they call it.

I doubt I would have parented Serenity this way. I would have been much more like the old me, like my dysfunctional parents. Serenity's death jolted me, broke my heart, which meant some rebuilding was necessary. But I do wish the learning curve was not so steep, that I wasn't still recovering from my own independent childhood.

And I want Beanie to turn to a human when she seeks comfort, and I hope both that I am always one of those people and that she learns how to pick good people to trust in her own life.

And days like today, when she got on a rollercoaster that doesn't end for an hour, I try to remember not to get on the rollercoaster too* and just be present, be the adult. But boy I wish I could throw my hands up and scream.

*A seminar speaker at out Montessori school, in talking about teens, said that they get on these emotional rollercoasters (which may sound something like 'I hate you') and that parents shouldn't get on with them and that often, the kid gets off and the parent is still on. Made soooo much sense. And so my mom and I. And I also read somewhere that toddlers are extremely intense and require alot of the parent; Then there is this golden age that the kiddo is really settled into themselves; And then they become teens and it's all toddlerhood in a big body with hormones. So, anything I hear about teens, I ferret away, maybe for now, maybe for later.

Monday, 6 May 2013

we've made it to 12 weeks

We had the nuchal ultrasound yesterday. Beanie was not cooperating with the positioning, so we got to watch him for a long while. He started out looking straight at us:


He was moving all about, and still not rolling into profile, so the u/s tech started bouncing the detector onto my belly, quite forcefully, trying to get him to turn. Looked like he was getting whiplash to me.

We did end up getting a few nuchal readings, all within 'safe' range. We await the bloodwork for final call.

I am finally feeling better physically, but have let some other things (non baby related) stress and bum me out. I am trying to let go. Beanie deserves a stress-free environment!

Since I am not working f/t with this pregnancy, I wonder if Beanie will get enough talking to! Hopefully my neighbors don't think I am odd if I start talking to my belly throughout the day!

I can't believe it is 12 weeks already and that we still have soooo long to go. The baby is about 2 inches, crown to rump, and my lower abdomen is barely sticking out. It still seems surreal to me.

Thursday, 2 May 2013


plz dont use yahoo account anymore. it's f'd

use @mac acct that is being disseminated privately, spearheaded by the ever-organized and completely wonderful Mrs. Spit.

Thank you in advance Mrs. Spit!

And, please don't email me until another memo goes out. I am currently inundated and we all will catch up.

Fingers crossed for all you.